Well, it's official! Kirk and I are going back to Mississippi for the third time to work with the
John Perkins Foundation. This time, though, we will be going as team leaders. We are excited and a little nervous about the responsibility. Essentially, we will be taking a team of contractors, builders and lots of unskilled labor (like me) to go build houses and work on the grounds of the Spencer Perkins Center in the inner city of Jackson, Mississippi. The Center and Foundation are focused on racial reconcilation and economic development. We did the same trip in 2001 (before we started dating) and 2004 (last year). We will need to raise about $650 each to cover our costs while we are there serving. If you are interested in donating money, it should be sent to "
King's Harbor Church, 1617 S. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite D, Redondo Beach, CA 90277" and the check should be written to King's Harbor with a note on the memo line that says "Mississippi/Kirk & Donna". Feel free to send me and email with any questions you have about our trip!
Labels: Church, Missions, Travel
# posted by SportChick @ 2:56 PM