Kirk's LiteStick Page

This is my new Twin LiteStick.
Twin LiteStick Twin LiteStick
Twin LiteStick Twin LiteStick
Twin LiteStick Twin LiteStick
Here you can see the extra wiring for the batteries and LEDs.

This plane is a combination of two litestick kits. I cut down one of the wings to match the width of the elevator for the center section. The elevator and twin rudders are all full fying hinged at 25% cord. I am using an 8 cell Energizer NiMh AAA battery set with this plane. I split the battery pack into two 4 cell packs and mount one on each fuse to balance the plane. I have also equiped it with 6 LEDs which you should be able to see if you click the pictures for the larger versions. The LED's only draw 60 mA from the BEC circuit. It shouldn't affect my flight time much.

These are from my first flight.
Twin LiteStick Twin LiteStick Twin LiteStick

The wind was a little high, normally I wouldn't have flown in the conditions, but I wanted to fly it! It flew very well, take off was in just a few feet. LOTS of power, the full flying rudders and elevator really help. It is a bit too flexible. I will probably add some posts on the bottom of the fuse sticks and a string between the wingtips through the posts to help hold the tips in place. I may also put a carbon fiber or bamboo rod all the way accross the center wing. Currently there is a foam section in the middle.

This is my First LiteStick.
LiteStick LiteStick
LiteStick LiteStick
This shows you the full flying tail feathers.
LiteStick Flying LiteStick Flying

I like this plane a lot. It only cost me $29 for the airframe including motor and prop.

Flight Equipment

Modifications I have made so far:

Recommendations from others:

Don't forget to visit the essential LiteStick Page
Send comments, suggestions to: Kirk Crawford